Not An Island Podcast
Not An Island Podcast
Ep 10. Faith and ABA therapy | Interview with Christina Flores, BCaBA
Our conversation dives deep into the essence of divine encounters and their role in shaping our destinies. The narrative of how a chance meeting at a conference and a prayer altered our paths is one of our most cherished testimonies. It's a celebration of the Holy Spirit's orchestration in our lives, leading us to become champions for special needs and advocates for inclusion. The episode serves as a moving reminder of the impact we can have on families navigating the challenges of raising children with special needs, and the beauty of spiritual guidance in uncovering one's purpose.
Walking with Christina through her experiences, we uncover the blessings that children with autism bring into our lives and the community. The discussion sheds light on the expanding embrace of the autistic community within American society and the importance of welcoming all families to the fold. We close with heartfelt advice for parents seeking solace and support, ensuring them that they are never alone. Join us in this soul-stirring episode, where faith meets purpose and where every story shared is a beacon of hope for embracing the gifts of every child.
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Welcome to Not an Island podcast. We are on the 10th episode and we are so, so stoked. We have our good friend from a long ways away, Christina Flores. Say hey, Christina.
Speaker 2:Hey everyone. I'm so excited to be with you guys today.
Speaker 1:Yeah. So Christina, we met her kind of in a crazy way. But before we get into that, that's an awesome story. Before we get into it, we're going to talk about you and talk about your journey and really kind of lay the foundation of why we're talking about this episode.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 1:So we'll let you go ahead and talk about yourself. We know a little bit about you, but no one else will until we do this episode.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Let's go.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, definitely I will bear with me. I don't talk about myself often, I guess you could say but yeah, my name is Christina, I live in South Florida, which we'll get into the crazy story of how we met, and I am currently a BC ABA, which stands for Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst. I work in the field of ABA, applied Behavior Analysis, primarily with children with autism. I've been in the field now nine years. Maybe this is the 10th one. Yeah, something about 10.
Speaker 2:Yeah, working with special needs children for 10 years, from ASD to ADHD to Down syndrome, all across the board.
Speaker 2:So I think that and just a side story about our faith, or my faith, is that I gave my life to Jesus three years ago. Last month, in February, was my three year anniversary of being saved and being born again. So it's crazy because I look back on my life and my journey into encountering the living God that we serve, and it's crazy that you look back and you see how many times that God positions you to a different place, to a different area, to something way different than you thought that you would be, and it was because for His purpose and who he uses in your journey to align you with His purpose for your life. So that's a little bit about me, but I'm so excited to be here to talk with both of you and just to share our journey and how everything happened. I'm just so excited for Not an Island I want to be the number one supporter and I'm so excited for how God will use both of you in when it comes to parents with children on the autism spectrum.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're awesome.
Speaker 3:You are the best.
Speaker 1:We love you so much too. Like you're making so much of a difference in these kids' lives and it's important in my opinion and Amanda's opinion, it's important for someone who loves Jesus to be in these children's lives, making a difference, hands-on, and making it happen. So really hats off to you as well. It's an incredible deal.
Speaker 3:Thanks, that's a huge deal. Christina, did you tell me that one of the first children you worked with, the mom of that child was a Christian? Was that something that you had said before? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Speaker 2:Yes, no, that is true. It's a really it's a crazy story and I look back on that and I hope the mom hears this story. We're still friends to this day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so nice to meet you, but it's crazy.
Speaker 2:You know, when I was back I was 20 years old, so I was very young. I was in my undergraduate career, I just changed my major to psychology because I thought I was going to do a pharmacy. So it was really crazy how that even came about. And I had a family member with a child with autism and I was really curious and I loved kids but I wanted something that would challenge me every day and this is definitely challenging and I loved the field of psychology.
Speaker 2:I remember back in high school I took like AP psychology and wouldn't even study it and just would like ace it.
Speaker 2:It was just, you know, and it was my mom actually that was like, hey, maybe you should look into that field. And I, you know, asked my counselor like about behavior analysis and, long story short, I went to work at the clinic at my university for an internship for free in the summer clinic doing ABA therapy. And it's crazy to know all the way back then that God used a little four year old boy with autism to speak to me about the career that I would have, you know, for the rest of my life and the purpose that I would have here on this earth. And it's crazy because you know a lot of people doubt someone that may have just a title of a disability or just something close to their name or a diagnosis, and it's incredible to think back to that day that God used that child to affect my life, to impact my life, in a time where you know his family was just finding out about his diagnosis.
Speaker 2:I was the first therapist that he had ever had, you know, and to use someone of that mom who was Christian, right to kind of like intertwine us, to align us together. For you know, now that we're like years to come, that I see that she's doing so many things with her faith and now she actually does live in Texas as well. Come on, yeah, so it's really crazy and I still, you know, I follow her and I see how she speaks about how her faith, just you know, grows as she sees her child grows, you know, but it's just amazing, like that. It's crazy to think that that summer, you know, back in 2014, a summer that I was confused, I was just getting into a new field, I was a young college student, I didn't know if this was going to be something that I was really going to love or like, and I loved it.
Speaker 2:I loved working at that camp and it was for free, Like I was not getting paid, you know. So it's crazy to think that somebody, you know, god used a child that is often misunderstood that at the time, you know, couldn't speak, that just did so many things that were not considered normal or anything, and he impacted my life so much that it just changed the trajectory of where I was going and what I was doing now and how you know, come years later, I give my life to Christ and now I know that's a purpose that I have in the kingdom.
Speaker 2:So it's crazy that when I'm not even saved right, Like it just reminds me of the Bible for like God will love. You know, no matter what we do, god always loves us and he will always do things for our good and it was 10 years ago that that happened, you know.
Speaker 1:It's like you see that silver thread going through your life of how God is just weaving things together.
Speaker 3:Yes, and. I'm just sitting over here like tears coming to my eyes because, as a mom on the opposite end of that, with therapists coming into my home and praying over them every day, that they come in and praying that they would encounter the presence of the Lord in my home and be impacted, you know, just to hear the opposite end, you know for you coming in and that impact to have been had on your life, it's just like wow, like this, this is just too wild. I love it?
Speaker 1:Yeah, for sure, and I know you like what amazing.
Speaker 2:God For sure.
Speaker 1:I know you can't talk about a lot of the specifics, but I'm sure a lot of the places you go or if you do, if you do any at home stuff, I'm sure a lot of the people you see are you know they need him bad.
Speaker 3:And so they need hope, they need encouragement, yeah.
Speaker 1:For sure. So that's awesome, that's awesome, you know. You remind me when you were talking about that, there's a verse that has been like central to my being for the past three years or so, and it's Philippians 310. And in Philippians 310, it says that we rejoice in the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings to be conformed to his death. In my opinion, what purpose is there to rejoice in the power of his resurrection without first knowing the suffering that he went through? And when I see these children who, a lot of them can't even speak, much less stand up for themselves a lot of them, you know, they're subjugated, misunderstood I don't know. When you look in a child's eyes like that, you can't help but see Jesus.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:And yeah, for sure I could see that specifically from your side that it you know, as someone who's helping these people out, that it's life changing for sure.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we always say, raising as we're, like we could never be who we are in our faith and where we are in our relationship with the Lord had we not faced what we faced. You know, it grew us into who we are and created patience and long-suffering in us. That just couldn't have happened any other way. And man, his life, his life has definitely impacted ours. And just to hear that, just like him, this little boy impacted your life in that way. And these kids, every single day, are impacting your life. It's incredible.
Speaker 1:Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, so yeah definitely.
Speaker 1:That was a little bit about who you are. Now we get to talk about how we met.
Speaker 3:I know this is my favorite.
Speaker 1:This is awesome.
Speaker 2:I know I love this story. It's like one of my favorite testimonies top five Same. Same Marking, you know yeah.
Speaker 3:It's definitely changed the trajectory of our life. We already had it inside of us and the Lord always confirms. You know his word again and again. But he used to use someone we did not know to confirm something that was inside of us. And I believe we're beginning to see the very first fruits of that now, just manifesting in our life and just seeing the Lord move and do what he said he was going to do, which is amazing.
Speaker 1:So absolutely so yeah.
Speaker 3:I want her to tell the story because I think it's really amazing.
Speaker 2:Yes, from my point of view.
Speaker 2:Yes or how everything happened. Yeah, I was actually telling the story this morning to a friend of mine, so it was just like making me happy all over again because it just brings me so much joy, this story. Yeah, I'll definitely start it with my point of view. So, pretty much, I went to a conference called Gen Z for Jesus back in September 2022 in Dallas. I flew out with a bunch of my friends and we were just so excited for this event. And the next day, since we were still in town, we went to Upper Room in Dallas and we woke up super early. We waited in line and we got like the last row in the Upper Room. So, number one, that's purposeful, because if we didn't make that row, we would have never met.
Speaker 3:Yeah, right, it was just crazy.
Speaker 2:So I'm sitting, we're sitting in the back row, my friends and I and you guys are sitting in front of us and we just start to make conversation because we're waiting for service to start, literally the row right in front, and we're talking.
Speaker 2:We're saying like, yeah, we're here for Gen Z, for Jesus, and you guys what me too we're talking about all those things and we just get into you know that Ezra has autism and what I do for work and we were like, wow, this is crazy. We start to share stories and the service starts and I'm standing behind you guys and it's literally like just the Holy Spirit is just talking to me the whole time I'm worshiping, and like the Holy Spirit is just like downloading and I get this urgency from the Holy Spirit, like I need to pray for you both. I just I had to do it and you know, as a Christian, you always toy sometimes and you ask for confirmation from the Holy Spirit. You're like I don't really know these people. Like are you sure? I don't know, I don't know these people. Like I don't want to act out of my life.
Speaker 2:I don't want to right, just do it, because I know what they're going through. Like I don't want to just pray just because you know I'm not, it's not for me. You know, right, and you know the Holy Spirit pushed me so much that I think I waited like two minutes Because I think you were praying for somebody. And I waited and my friends, I was like I have to pray for them. And you know, I think God for my friends, because they were like yes, please go pray. Hey, I want to you guys in my, my hat and my cowboy boots. Hey, I Said hey, can I, can I please pray? I would really love to pray for you. And of course, you guys were like yes, and I didn't even remember. You said, thought that like, oh, can I record this?
Speaker 1:which I have the recording, if it's okay. Sorry to cut you off. If it's okay, I'm gonna share the recording during this episode. I'm gonna pause the video and we'll we'll just share the recording. And we have the picture with you, so we'll put that up as well.
Speaker 4:I pray right now your perseverance in their life's father. I pray right now and declare that the gifts that you give them in their calling that they will help other special needs parents, giving parents hope. Father, giving parents faith, faith to lead them to you. I see you leading more parents to Jesus in your life, father with special needs, and I just declare right now Provision and what you will do for their life to help the other parents of special needs children I give you, I ask right now that you lead their footsteps of what you want to do. Right now. I break any wall against that the enemy is trying to stop them from what they're trying to do. I cancel any attack from the enemy right now. I cancel any attack from the enemy on, as well as life, any words that he says that Any person that said that he can't father.
Speaker 4:I break and I can't go over his life and I declare that only he can and he can do only these those things. Through you, father, and I lift up Sister right, brother, his brother right now, and I lift him up and I declare in his life that he will strengthen as rock, that he will be only a stepping stone, father, a stepping stone to your goodness, and that they will both be lifted to you, father, that any time that his brother may be down, that he will lift him in his Weariness and in his discouragement, that he will never be down because his little brother will lift him, father, in his life. And I just thank you for what you were doing in their life. I thank you. I send legions of angels over them as they travel back home today and I just thank you for everything that you're doing. I exalt you in their life. I honor you for you're the Lord of all Lord, the King of all kings, and Jesus, thank you amen If you only knew how smiley little brother was yeah.
Speaker 2:So, you know, the Holy Spirit started to just Go and and reveal to me and I really felt from what I can remember, because you know, sometimes you're praying for somebody and it's just the Holy Spirit. And I don't remember all the things that I told you guys, to be honest, but I just remember seeing you guys like helping other Other families in faith and and how much that you were gonna do that. And I saw you like with a website and and you know, doing this and Just speaking to other families and really growing Families that have children with autism in their faith and knowing Jesus and and impacting them in that way. So it was really crazy. Just that moment marked me. You know, I think there are certain moments in our life when we really encounter God and the Holy Spirit and I will never, ever forget that day. And here we are March 2024.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, you're in a half later. Still, friends Connected and I am here on your podcast like that is.
Speaker 3:This is just. You are our very first interview.
Speaker 1:You are the first interview.
Speaker 2:I can't believe I'm so honored, so so honored, like I cannot believe this like you know and I remember, um, a couple weeks ago, todd like messaged me and he was like hey you, you said this and look what's happening. And I was like I'm as surprised as you are.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we were blown away.
Speaker 2:I'm so happy, just yeah, I'm so happy to see this and and it's not me, it was, you know it was.
Speaker 4:God it was him.
Speaker 2:Like you know, using I was the best, so I guess at that point and just nudging you and being like hey, I know this is in you, like it's time to go, it's time and you were.
Speaker 3:It's time to be at any time.
Speaker 2:I think, yeah, and it's crazy because you know, a lot of the times were uncomfortable and obedience and that was like you know, I was still I'm still like a baby Christian. So I was like a year and a half in, you know, and I was like, well, I mean I'm just gonna go Very thankful to have you know, friends in the Christian faith and leaders and mentors around me that they push for you know that, for hearing the Holy Spirit and being obedient and and those type of things you know so.
Speaker 2:Glory to God for everything that I did, like it is not me glory to God for all of it. Glory to God For this alignment of friendship, for how purposeful it is for both of our lives. Absolutely yes, yeah, um, because not only for you guys but for me. This truly impacted me and and it's so purposeful and and only he could do it. Oh yeah, that's right me to come from the 305 Miami. I like to go to Dallas to the back wall of the.
Speaker 1:Right under, right under the shelf right under the shelf where they had one of the cameras.
Speaker 2:Yes, exactly like in the last row, we got it at the last second to meet to sit right behind you. Like that is so, by God, like nobody can tell me anything different. There's way too many moving parts, there's way too many things, but it's not a coincidence, it's all God like.
Speaker 3:it's crazy you know, yeah, definitely a divine connection and and and also one that I feel like is gonna have longevity. I really believe the Lord is gonna use us to another as a kingdom resource. You know there's so many resources out there. We just were at an event yesterday and there's all these resources that are incredible, don't get me wrong. And there a lot of them are, you know, physical or what a you know in in the natural realm. Should I say? Your natural resources.
Speaker 3:I feel like the Lord is giving us a supernatural resource and that we're full of his hope and we're full of his encouragement and we want we walk through this journey with him, and so I just really believe, like together, that something really incredible is gonna come out of this yes, amen.
Speaker 2:I truly believe that and come into agreement with that as well. Yes, Absolutely.
Speaker 1:And so, from our end of the story, same thing. We go to Gen Z for Jesus. We show up at upper room. The next morning, christina shows up Next to us. You know we're worshiping together, we have, you know the time at at upper room and afterward, same thing. This, you know this stranger, honestly to us. Yeah, at that time walks up and just starts praying.
Speaker 3:And I'm telling you, christina, you don't know this, but that was some of the darker years of our lives and and that was toward the end of him, but that was a very dark season of our life Like emerging out of a really I mean it, the hardship of raising a child with special needs and how isolating that can be and how how you think you're going one direction and you're doing your best to obey the Lord and what he's asked, but then you're just like how do we do this and raise this child?
Speaker 3:Yeah like so yeah, I mean that definitely.
Speaker 1:And what a fitting time for a dark one of the darkest seasons of our life, for someone to give a word from the Lord. Yes that we will be encouraging others in their darkest seasons. Yes and so, yeah, it's just fitting. It's so fitting, it's just wild.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I'm just so thankful, so so thankful, like I just feel so blessed to know you guys, you know, Same.
Speaker 1:Yes so we're gonna go to the next thing. Um, this one will be fun. So your most memorable moments when you think of your career or you just think of, you know, hanging out with families maybe a child has autism what are the most memorable ones you have from your perspective?
Speaker 2:Wow, that's a very great question. There have been so many. And I think you know and for those of you who don't know maybe, what like ABA is, but pretty much I am my job is to help a child become as independent as possible, in their home, at school, in society. That is my job. To help them functionally communicate and, just you know, have, you know, grow in their social skills and independence in their life. You know, my favorite quote is my job is to be out of a job, right? So they graduate from therapy over time. So I am everywhere I'm in schools, I'm in a clinic, I'm out of houses, I'm at grandma's house.
Speaker 2:I think some of my favorite moments is when children really surprise you and I think God uses them in that way, with their innocence, to surprise me.
Speaker 2:I think two of my favorite moments were when I had two different clients that I worked with for a few years and they were also of Christian faith and their parents were teaching them how to pray at home. And a lot of times, as you know, unfortunately in ministry and other, you know, in different churches and things like that. Right now we may not be as equipped, as you know, but we're growing to grow in special needs ministry. So sometimes we're just, we don't really know how to teach in that way to pray in different things. But long story short, their mom was teaching them like, oh, we're gonna do our nightly prayers and these were on two different occasions, with two different children that I worked with for a couple years and they said you know, we were praying and we pray for mom, we pray for dad, we pray for grandma, grandpa, we thank them, you know, and they're like yeah, but we also wanna pray for Miss Christina.
Speaker 2:So just like randomly you know, like that really impacted me, Like you know. Oh, but we can't forget about Miss Christina. I wanna pray for Miss Christina, you know, and it's so funny because in those times too, I was still not completely saved.
Speaker 2:I think, God used those moments as well, yes, they speak to me, they're like, oh yeah, but I wanna pray for my Christina, like that type of thing, you know.
Speaker 2:So I think that my favorite moments honestly, there are just so many, but I think that when God surprises you and uses kids to impact your life, when they first learn how to talk and communicate and something that they've been trying to do for such a long time and it's been really hard and then they accomplish it, those are my most favorite moments of my job and I think that you know one of the things that I love about working with children with autism is how much they notice the little things.
Speaker 2:Like I'm a big little things girl, like I really just love, I'm just so grateful for all the little things. And we forget about that stuff, as you know, adults, and we forget about that in society, and one of the things I love about them is that they notice, like how something feels, how something looks, like how you know this video, the sound is really cool, or I love this type of music, you know, and they always they're so intelligent and they remember every single thing, like you tell them you know, so they'll never forget my birthday you know like you have a friend for like 10 years.
Speaker 2:They'll never. I have children. They'll never forget my birthday, my mom's birthday, like you know, and just them, like children, including you. You know, I had a child. I celebrated my birthday in January and he was like oh, Ms Christina, I want you to come to my house so we can sing happy birthday, Like that type of thing, you know.
Speaker 2:So I think, like people forget that people that have disabilities or just any diagnosis, that they are still humans, that they're still people and they don't deserve any pity. They deserve dignity, right. They deserve to be treated with the same they deserve, and this is in the natural and the supernatural. You know Like we need to be. Inclusivity is so important, especially in the kingdom of God.
Speaker 1:Absolutely.
Speaker 2:We always talk about unity, but unity also comes with inclusivity and we need to be inclusive of all, whether they're a little quirky or not or you know, like there are. I always say there are no clicks in the kingdom. You know, everybody is always included and I think that throughout my career, throughout my life, god has really shown up in that, and it's so amazing to see how children can be used to teach us so many things, especially about life.
Speaker 3:Yeah, for sure, we need their unique perspectives and their unique faith. Yes, you know, I feel like they can draw on the Lord in a way that we can't, with that childlike faith and that innocence and wow, that's just, that's so powerful.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's awesome. You know when you say there's no clicks in the kingdom. It reminds me of something I remember just popped in my head a few years back, and it was that you know, talking about the way our society is as American church. You know, the thing that popped in my head is that there's no pews in heaven, there's only a throne. Yes, that's so good you know, and there's only a throne, that no one in heaven is no one in heaven has their little seat saved.
Speaker 1:It's not that way we all are. I'm gonna be there for one reason and one. Good, yes, exactly for one man and yeah, you're so right about that, you know, and that's I'm glad you mentioned that for sure.
Speaker 3:That's amazing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah. So next, we've got three big tips that you can give parents who may not be able to have ABA, or maybe parents who can't get to.
Speaker 3:Yeah, this is so good cause I feel like even we will glean for this cause we're from this because we all these years have been on a wait list for ABA and we still haven't experienced it. But just knowing some things that we could do at home, some small things, that you know, may make a big difference for Ezra or for any of the children out there, any of the parents out there listening.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So for the top three things, you know, I just want to also make sure that everybody knows that everything is individualized, you know. So do what's best for you. I would say I don't know what your child does or what they're struggling with right now, but I think the most important things and I think having like that faith-based background really helps as well, and I'm super excited because I know that God is going to use you guys with these tips as well as you grow, you know for people that are looking for that and I think number one is just be the biggest advocate for your child. No one will ever be the advocate that you will be for your child. So I say number one be the biggest advocate. So I guess I'll say some three tips for now, I guess, to help parents in different situations. So number one always be the biggest advocate for your child. No one will ever fight for your child like you will.
Speaker 1:Yeah 100%.
Speaker 2:Number two always look for different resources. So, for example, in your situation, I would say, look for resources that could. They could provide telehealth. It's a great resource and you never know what could be done just through having telehealth resources. If you can't reach a clinic or you've been on a waiting list, look into different resources that can help you, whether it's YouTube videos or things like that, but also to check back and make sure it's within, I would say I guess could use like sound judgment, if you understand what I'm saying yeah, so I would look into that like different yes, different resources and really number three.
Speaker 2:I would honestly say like, pray, pray and never lose hope, like I think so much right now. I'm so thankful for you know my faith, and just for God, because he has changed my mentality, my perspective so much, especially how I communicate with parents, that I work with, with my colleagues, with everything like that, because I just I never lose hope, like you said, and I think sometimes, when you're a parent of a child with a disability, it is so easy to lose hope because, as I know as a clinician, it's always like, well, they're not doing this and they're not doing this, and they're this age and they're not doing this, and that gets so disheartening and that you start to lose hope. You start to lose faith, like, well, what's going to happen in the future? What happens if this? And then your mind just goes on that hamster role and it's just kind of like over and over and over again.
Speaker 2:So what I would say to any parents out there is just like never lose hope, never lose your faith. There are always people on your team. No matter what, you are not alone and what you are going through, it may seem and feel that you are alone, but definitely be connected in community for your child and just know that your child is worth everything that they deserve. I think that's the biggest tip that I can tell anybody is your child is worth it. Please do not let anybody ever let you think that your child is not worth being included in school.
Speaker 2:Your child is not worth, you know, having the best of the best. Yes, we go through things and children grow and sometimes they'll have, you know, different issues throughout their life that they will work towards, they will work through, but it does not mean that they are not deserving or worthy of fulfilling life. They are not. They are still worthy of love. They are still worthy of friendship. They are still worthy of living the best life that God designed them to have.
Speaker 2:So I think, right now, those are the three things that I can think of, but you know, but those are really important.
Speaker 3:That's amazing. I've been hearing a lot and seeing this shift and this change even within the autism community that, even like this month coming up, they want it changed from autism or autism awareness to autism acceptance. And I love that because it's like you know, we can do so many things to make people aware, we can do so many therapies and all of those things, but that acceptance of this child, right where they're at, and that just believing for the best for them and for everything that you know God has planned for them to come to fruition, I feel like is such a better route than trying to fix everything and change everything, and so I really love that.
Speaker 1:you said it like that. You know the I saw this thing the other day the Maori people, their word for people who are autistic. I can't remember the word, but what it means the word is it like a tribe? Yes, it means, it means in their own time and space which means a lot of things to me you know it means.
Speaker 1:It means, yes, they're in their own world, but at the same time, to me that also says that they will achieve the things that they're designed to achieve in their own time and in their own space. That doesn't make them any less of a human being and, like you said, they deserve the same dignity that everyone else deserves. I'm so glad you said that.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah, and, and I think also you know if anybody is in the field of ABA or just like a parent, you know a lot of people ask me you know well, why do you think God did this or why? And I was like, listen, I'm not God.
Speaker 2:So take it up with him first but what I do know is that God is a purposeful God and everything has a purpose, and you know we are purpose here on earth to do his work Right. And it brings me back to Ephesians 2-8,. You know, for by grace, through faith, that we are saved. You know for his good works through us, not ours.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And what I think is really important is that we are a piece of the puzzle, really to bring it back, and we are. You know, maybe you have to think of it. I think of it in this way that God is using us to teach others, and it could be in the kingdom and out of it as well. Right, god is using us to teach, you know what we talked about to be inclusive, to be unified, to be accepting, and God always does things in his way.
Speaker 1:Yes.
Speaker 2:And sometimes he works in very mysterious ways.
Speaker 1:In his own time and space, in his own time and space, in all his mysteries. Yeah.
Speaker 2:So never underestimate the way that you know God could use you to impact someone, and God could use your child to impact someone you know, I just even in ABA.
Speaker 2:You know ABA is a science, I am learning a science, I'm in school, I'm doing everything science based, but that doesn't take away from my faith, my belief in God and the supernatural, you know, and I know that everything serves a purpose and wherever I'm placed it's for a purpose, absolutely. And I know that if you're a parent with autism, coming from a person that was out in the world, you know 10 years ago that never underestimate what God purposed your child to do here on earth. And I think that's super important to remember.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, absolutely for a fact that he heard those prayers of those children over your life, christina, and I just I love it so much because I know every therapist that has come into my home. They become like family you know, and they're there to provide a service and yes, it might be their, their job, but I just there's such a connection there that you guys get to make with these families and I just I'm so appreciative and I just want to say thank you to you for 10 years of just believing in these kids and and pouring into them.
Speaker 3:And even though that that may be a paycheck, it takes so much for someone. It takes way more than a drive for a paycheck for you to do a job like this.
Speaker 1:I really believe it. You have to be passionate.
Speaker 3:Yes, it's a calling, and so I just, I just want to say thank you because, and just knowing that you've impacted their lives just as much and and their prayers were answered and look at you here in the kingdom of God yeah, doing the Lord's work and also serving these children. It's just so beautiful.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, amen, all the glory to God.
Speaker 2:You know, I think that I, just, like, I love my job and I think that once you grow in God and you get to know him and you start to understand and he starts to reveal the purposes that he has for you in the kingdom, like, I know that I was purposed here on earth to do this right, and I know that for a fact and I'm just so grateful for his mercy, his grace over my life and that he used, you know, these children to just impact me.
Speaker 2:And I do like it's it's nothing crazy that I'm doing, it's just that it's done, really, that it's they, they he used children to just, you know, just change my life forever and it's all, it's all for his glory. You know, people forget as Christians that even in our jobs or careers, even in the mundane washing the dishes, it is all for the service of God, it's all for him, and I'm so, I'm like, so honored. What a privilege it is to serve God in a way that he has purposed me to do, and also to serve families, to serve his children, even the families that may not believe in him, you know, right now, to serve them in a way to show his excellence. You know, I think that's just, that's such a blessing in my life. And to anybody else that is looking to be an RVT or an ABA therapist of Christian faith, you know, just I tell them like really pray and just be surprised in how God will use you.
Speaker 3:Now we need more of y'all out there we need. I know that it's such an under saturated field and then they need more people. These kids need more people who are that passionate and who you know it is their calling and we're praying for, for just like a harvest of of therapists and people you know to come in because I just I really believe, I really believe God's put it inside of a lot of people to love these children. I believe that they are on his heart.
Speaker 3:I believe that's why all of this that we're doing right now is even happening is because the Lord cares for them and um, yes, and he cares deeply for these families and what they're going through Coming in now, you know, yes, yes, and I want to you know I, as you guys know, I serve in kids ministry as well.
Speaker 2:And you know, I just yeah, glory to God. And I just want to let all the parents know as well please come to church, do not be ashamed, don't listen to those lies. Like we accept you, we love you, we love your children. Like they, we accept them, we want you to come. Come to the kingdom of God. If you were in the kingdom of God and you left, come back home. We're waiting on you, we're waiting. We're waiting on you, we're ready, you know and and God will equip to, he needs to equip, and kids ministry is growing and kids ministry is going to grow to equip to your, your children, in the supernatural and and they will be there and they will be ready to. You know, serve them in the way that God wants us to serve them. So I just want to let every, every parent know that you know Jesus can help you in all these areas and do not do not be a let us stray that he can't because he can't.
Speaker 2:And he will do it in your life.
Speaker 3:He's ready and willing.
Speaker 2:And I hope that all of us together can is speaking to you in this episode and letting you know that it's okay, come as you are, bring your child, as they are, flapping their hands, screaming, loving you know, whatever it may be, bring them, bring them, we're we, we we absolutely love them and, more importantly, god loves them. Yes.
Speaker 1:And I think that's so. I'm so glad you said that, because there's that's something that the I see the American church is really catching, starting to catch up to. Is that you know?
Speaker 3:there's a revolution kind of happening.
Speaker 1:Yes, the autistic community, that that's the fastest growing people group on the earth right now, the fastest growing condition as far as people getting diagnosed, the fastest growing diagnosis, I'll say, on the planet. And you know there's multiple reasons for that. But that still, that still leaves a lot to say that you know the church we're learning this like we're trying to learn and and and.
Speaker 3:Uh, feeling that void, yeah, feeling that void.
Speaker 1:So there there's a lot of room to go but at the same time, just like you said, you know, it should never discourage people from from just giving it a shot.
Speaker 3:Right, right.
Speaker 2:You know and you have nothing to lose. You know so you know, you have nothing to lose.
Speaker 3:I was all the as we're in, kicking and screaming and felt, you know, I felt all the feels and just walked around the corner and cried myself because he was really struggling with separation, anxiety and and things like that. And I I'm still so glad that I did that because those were, those were honestly baby steps to get him to where he is. Now that he goes to school all day, you know that he's able to do the things that he's doing and I believe that started there.
Speaker 1:So yeah, 100%.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and there's and there's people that want to be there. Absolutely True, true kingdom Christian community is we are supposed to be together, unified, and there's people there that want to love on you, that want to care for you, and I want to care for your children and be there for you in your times of need and times when you need prayer. So I just want to remind someone of that that there is someone that wants to be there for you, especially in the kingdom of God. Yes, you are not alone.
Speaker 1:Yeah, selfish plug. You are not, you are not an island.
Speaker 3:That's the whole reason we did this is people to know they're not alone.
Speaker 1:And you're so right, there's a, it takes a village, but the village is there. You just have to find it.
Speaker 3:So yeah, you want to close out in prayer.
Speaker 1:Well, I wanted to see. Is there anything else?
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Anything else that you have that you really feel like the, the, these parents, these families, just anyone really needs to hear. I know we covered. We covered church big time and that's a big topic for us. Yes, but before we, before we close it out.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we could even have you pray us out, Christina.
Speaker 1:Yeah, if you don't mind.
Speaker 2:Sure, I would love to. That would be an honor. Yeah, I mean, I think we covered everything and the only thing I would say is you know, reach out to Amanda and Todd, like you know, they're, they're just have.
Speaker 2:they have the best, that's the best people to reach out to, so and they're here. They're here for you, you know, and they're here to connect you If you live in Washington or New York, like we're all here, you know, and there's power in prayer, and there's power in community, absolutely. So that's the last thing that I guess. I would say For sure, before anything, yeah, I would love to pray us out.
Speaker 1:Awesome, of course.
Speaker 2:Yeah, thank you so much. So, father, god, I just thank you so much for today and the time that we were able to spend all together. I thank you for the person the parents listening to this episode right now, father, and I just ask that you strengthen them wherever they are at and that the Holy Spirit just fills their atmosphere wherever they are listening to this. Father, I thank you for the purpose that you have in their life here on earth and for their child's purpose. My God, I thank you for that precious child that you sent to earth, father, and we just declare prosperity over them and their family, and I declare that over Todd and Amanda right now, in the name of Jesus. And I just ask, father, that you multiply and that you accelerate not an island podcast to all the families that need to hear it, to all the families that need to hear your word, to all the families that need to grow in their faith and their hope that you are their Father, that you are their Prince of Peace. My God, thank you, father, for the honor and the privilege to just speak about what you have done in each of our lives, my God, and I just ask right now, holy Spirit, that you speak to all the families listening and that you start to show them the promises that you have for them and their special children.
Speaker 2:Father, thank you for the opportunity to just speak and spread your true gospel, your word and the love of your son over all of your people, especially special needs family. Father, I thank you for this opportunity. I thank you for this day. I thank you for this time. I thank you for my friends, amanda and Todd, and their two sons, especially Ezra, using him to just make an impact in this world, an impact that will just go and reach thousands. My God, we speak that over their lives right now. In the name of Jesus, we just give you all the glory and all the praise and all the honor for what you did and what you will continue to do in each of our lives. In Jesus' name, we pray, amen, well.
Speaker 1:I'm Todd and Christina. We are Not an Island Podcast, and until next time we love you guys. Bye.